"Medical errors kill more than 250,000 Americans every year, making it the third-leading cause of death behind only heart disease and cancer."
- Johns Hopkins University study
Experienced Pennsylvania
Medical Malpractice Attorneys.
Under Pennsylvania law, medical negligence occurs when a doctor, nurse or other health care professional injures a patient with negligent or inappropriate medical care. The consequences of medical malpractice can literally be life-altering. If an accountant or other professional provides negligent services it typically just costs you money. If a doctor or hospital provides poor medical care, however, it can result in permanent physical injuries and sometimes death. In many cases, the harm caused by healthcare providers neglect can never be undone. Instead, our legal system offers victims of medical malpractice financial compensation..
A claim of medical malpractice must be proven by presenting expert opinion testimony from other doctors. The plaintiff in a medical malpractice case needs to find another doctor that is willing to testify that the defendant was negligent and breached the standard of medical care.
Have you been injured due to medical malpractice? The best decision you can make to protect yourself after an injury is to enlist the services of Daly & Clemente. If you or a loved one are the victim of medical malpractice, it is important to remember that the experienced attorneys at Daly & Clemente are here to help.
Our attorneys at Daly & Clemente have a successful history of handling claims involving injuries resulting from medical malpractice. While each case is unique and faces its own hurdles, our attorneys are committed to helping victims recover compensation for their losses. To learn more about how our attorneys may be able to help, please fill out our no-cost case review form today.

Los conductores en las carreteras alrededor de Filadelfia están distraídos en estos días. Los teléfonos celulares, los niños gritando, el tráfico, la construcción de carreteras, las fusiones repentinas y el mal tiempo son distracciones que definitivamente interfieren con su concentración en las carreteras alrededor del valle de Delaware.
A medida que más distracciones en el camino conducen a más accidentes, su necesidad de representación es mayor que nunca. Cuando se comunique con nuestros abogados de lesiones personales para obtener representación legal, obtendrá interacciones personalizadas y cara a cara con nuestros abogados. Si sufre lesiones graves en un accidente automovilístico o de camión, ¡nuestros abogados especializados en lesiones personales acudirán a usted!
To err is human .....
Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers are only human. Everybody makes mistakes. The difference is that their mistakes are literally a matter of life and death.
In 1999 the Institute of Medicine released a report called To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, which revealed that more than 98,000 deaths occurred in U.S. hospitals each year due solely to medical errors. Since that report, the number of preventable medical deaths each year has only continued to grow. A more recent study conducted by Johns Hopkins University suggested that the number of deaths from medical errors each year in the U.S. is now above 250,000. This makes medical errors the third leading cause of death in the United States.
Medical malpractice regularly occurs in all medical fields and clinical settings from the operating room of a major hospital to the exam table of your family doctor or urgent care facility. The specific nature of the negligent medical care can also come in an endless variety of forms. However, there are certain types of medical mishaps that most frequently result in lawsuits.
Our team prides itself on our client-focused approach to health care mistake cases. We believe success is both getting results and building quality relationships with our clients. Our attorneys and our entire team work closely with you to get the highest and best results we possibly can in every case.
Medical malpractice lawsuits are typically the result of negligence, such as:
Diagnostic errors (misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis, delayed diagnosis)
Surgical mistakes
Anesthesia errors
Postsurgical infections
Emergency room errors
Prescriptions errors
Defective medical devices
Birth injuries
Nursing home abuse/neglect

Doctors and hospitals are not in the habit of admitting that they committed malpractice. If you want financial compensation for malpractice injuries you will need to show that you are legally entitled to it. To have a valid medical malpractice lawsuit in Pennsylvania, you need to be able to prove that:
1) the doctor’s care deviated from accepted medical standards
or practices; and
2) this deviation from standard medical practices actually
caused your injury.
Establishing each of these elements is a complex and expensive process that evolves over the course of the litigation. For starters, the plaintiff needs another doctor to act as an expert witness. In fact, Pennsylvania medical malpractice law requires that all lawsuits are supported by a qualified expert opinion confirming that the case has merit. This is called a Certificate of Merit.
How long do I have to file a Medical Malpractice lawsuit?
If you were injured because of a medical professional’s negligence, you must file a medical malpractice claim within 2 years from the date of the injury. This period actually begins 2 years from the date you knew or should have known about the injury, but in any case no later than 7 years after the injury occurred.

What is my case worth?
Every case is unique. To begin to calculate the value of your case involving an injury from medical malpractice, you must determine every loss and expense incurred by the accident.
Our experience means that our firm is more able to accurately achieve the fairest settlement or jury award for your injuries.
When you suffer serious, long-term injuries it is important to work closely with economic experts to ensure that your compensation demand takes into account all future expenses and inflation. This allows our clients to resolve their cases knowing that they and their loved ones will be taken care of for decades to come.
Past & future medical expenses, such as: medication; therapy; diagnostic scans; treatment injections; and surgeries.
Specialized medical equipment.
Past & Future lost wages / lost earning capacity.
Past & future pain & suffering.
Embarrassment and humiliation.
Significant disfigurement and scarring.
Past & Future loss of enjoyment of life and life’s pleasures.
Other injuries and damages suffered as a natural and probable result of the said personal injuries.

Leg impalement in a forklift accident in the workplace.
Settlement with multiple defendants.
Traumatic brain injury from a slip & fall on ice in an office parking lot.
Confidential settlement with multiple defendants.
$3 MIL
Burn injuries from a defective and dangerous consumer product.
Confidential settlement with multiple defendants.
$1.9 MIL
Wrongful death resulting from negligent security.
Settlement with multiple defendants during trial.
Fractured ankle on defective premises.
Settlement on eve of trial with a waiver of workers comp lien.